Protein diet for weight loss

But the fact is that you need to almost completely eliminate from your diet products on that the carbohydrates and the fats it contains large amount, to wit: grain, potatoes, macaroni, butter, flour, and candy. As long as you need to go to the use of low-fat milk and milk products, eggs, fish, and lean cuts of meat.

Basically, if you feel this is high protein diet a week or two, and then, you can lose up to eight pounds in weight. A tempting?

What is the secret to a balanced, healthy diet rich in protein for the body.

the protein in the diet

Keep in mind that carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for the body. If you can get the most out of their admission into the body, the parsimonious body and yourself begins to take in the glucose from a former fat storage. By using this technique, you will be able to significantly reduce the number of your fat and lose weight. Another important benefit of a high protein diet is that weight loss is not in any way combined with the sensation of being hungry. After that, you have to stop to stick to a diet (yes, it is, of course, you have the passion, you don't attack it in the flour, and candy), without any problem, and you'll be able to save the result.

However, there are some drawbacks to this diet, significantly to the input of some of the fat-soluble vitamins and minerals, and fats in your body, which is extremely necessary for its functioning. The object of this impact could be the skin, the hair, and you can get to sleep, and fatigue. And it's still a negative excess burden on the kidneys. So, if you have previously been problems with the functioning of a particular organ, it's not worth it to load up.

On the menu bar protein-rich diet:

For the breakfast, it is allowed to drink black coffee or tea, and eat some crackers.

Options for lunch:

  • Eggs are well-cooked, salad of cabbage, cooked tomato juice.
  • Baked or grilled fish, salad from fresh vegetables.
  • Apples, deep-fried in oil, and zucchini.
  • Cheese, hard-boiled carrots, a raw egg.
  • One-half of a cooked chicken or 200 grams of cooked meat.

For dinner, they are addressed in the following product:

  • Baked or grilled fish.
  • 200 grams of boiled meat, kefir.
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs, meat, salad and vegetables fresh in their minds.
  • Fruit.
  • A cup of grated carrot with the butter, and 2 eggs.

However, I would like to remind you once again that, in connection with deficiency of this dietary trace elements, and vitamins, it is not recommended that you stick to this diet for more than a couple of weeks. They result from a diet high in protein, and you now have to go to your regular meals.