Diet to lose weight the belly and of the sides: the menu for the week

Diet to lose weight the belly and on the side is an effective way to shape the body and reduce the amount of waist for women. Through the use of diet healthy recipes some products and eating habits, you can get rid of 3-5 kg of excess weight per week.

The rules of the diet

diet for slimming the belly

The result of the diet is achieved with the help of maintain a great standard daily calories to 1400 kcal. To calculate the energy value of dishes from the menu of the day, you should use the table of calories of the products.

For the correct formation of diet, you should use the following recommendations:

  • rod daily calories;
  • eat 4 times a day, but not more than 3 hours before bedtime;
  • in the intervals between meals is allowed to drink tea and coffee without sugar;
  • the daily requirement of water should be 1.5 to 2 liters;
  • consume protein-rich foods at each meal;
  • to adjust the number of slow carbs and consume no more than 300 grams of carbohydrate food per day;
  • the daily amount of fat in the diet should not exceed 30 grams;
  • avoid eating too much candy fruit;
  • consume not more than 100 g of fruits per day (in the morning).

The maximum time during which it is recommended to maintain a diet, it is a month.

What you can eat and what not to can (table)

Products that can be consumed in a diet to lose weight the belly and on the sides, provide the body with the necessary proteins and useful (slow) carbohydrates do not cause the deposition of fat and accelerate the metabolism.

In the period of weight loss it is forbidden to drink fast carbohydrates (sugar, white flour products), as well as trans, fast-food, sweeteners, that cause the appearance of excess weight due to the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and slow down metabolism.

Products What can be What you can't
Pastry Whole wheat bread of rye or of fine flour, loaves of bran Breads and pasta from wheat flour of superior quality, cakes with sugar
Meat, poultry, Lean varieties: beef, beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken. Viscera: liver, heart, kidneys, gizzard of chicken Roast beef, cold meats, semi-finished
Fish and seafood All varieties of Semi-finished products, smoked, salted fish, crab sticks
Eggs Eggs in any form of
Dairy products The ricotta, the sour cream average fat content, yoghurt, kefir. Lean and without salt cheese Bold the ricotta, the cream, the yogurt with sugar and additives, the cheese curds with filling
Cereals Wheat, rice powder, barley, quinoa, bulgur, oatmeal. Legumes: beans, mash, chickpeas, lentils Rolled oats, semolina, white rice
Masses Rice, pasta, pasta of durum wheat Flour products soft varieties
Sauces and seasonings Homemade sauces. A moderate amount of spices Parts purchased sauces, mayonnaise
Fats Olive oil, sunflower seeds, butter, melted butter Margarine
Vegetables All kinds of cabbage, the onion, the carrot, the cucumber, the tomato, the zucchini, the eggplant. Green: green lettuce, parsley, basil, spinach, chestnut, fennel Potatoes, beets in a limited number of
Fruit Apple, pear, kiwi, orange, tangerine, lemon, grape, pomegranate. Raspberry, currant, cherry, strawberry Dried fruit, grapes, watermelon. Bananas (2 PCs. per week)
Drinks Tea, coffee without sugar Candy, soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, juices packed

To the diet was more effective, it is recommended to limit the intake of salt, which favors the retention of water in the body and the appearance of edema. The salt reduction of up to 4 g per day may be an effective way of weight reduction, when the occurrence of an effect of the plateau.

Diet Menu to lose weight the belly and on the sides by the week

proper nutrition

Important condition for the success of weight loss is the use of a menu based on dishes prepared from the permissions list of products. The correct food will not only burn fat fast, but also to ensure the organism with the energy needed throughout the day.


  • Breakfast: omelette with herbs and cheese, tea;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew with meat, grape, cocoa;
  • Afternoon snack: wheat bread with ham, fresh salad of cucumber and tomato;
  • Dinner: yoghurt with fresh fruit and yogurt.


  • Breakfast: a toast of rye flour, one half of the avocado, coffee with milk without sugar;
  • Lunch: soup of beetroot with meat (no potato), bread, orange;
  • Afternoon snack: cheese au gratin with red fruit, cocoa;
  • Dinner: fish cakes in the steamer, salad of tomato and cucumber.


  • Breakfast: scrambled eggs with cheese, tea;
  • Lunch: rice powder, cooked meat, salad peking cabbage, dressed with sour cream;
  • Afternoon snack: Greek yogurt, an apple;
  • Dinner: ear, wholemeal bread.


  • Breakfast: cheesecakes with rice flour, fruit (50 grams);
  • Lunch: soup with meatballs, cocoa;
  • Lunch: sandwich of rye bread and cooked meat;
  • Dinner: chicken breast, cooked with cabbage.


  • Breakfast: eggs 2 eggs, 20 grams of cheese, a half of bread, coffee;
  • Lunch: vegetable stew from turkey, herbal tea;
  • Afternoon snack: serve the apples, cocoa;
  • Dinner: salad of fresh vegetables with the eggs.


  • Breakfast: cheese au gratin with red fruit, cocoa;
  • Lunch: soup, salad of lettuce with egg;
  • Afternoon snack: dumplings made of rye flour and of pork (5 to 6 pieces);
  • Dinner: fish fillet steamed, yogurt.


  • Breakfast: pancakes of almond flour, berry mousse without sugar;
  • Lunch: vegetables au gratin with beef, 1 toast, tea;
  • Afternoon snack: curd with fruits;
  • Dinner: omelet, cucumber.

Recipes of delicious dishes

Recipes recommended in a diet to lose weight the belly and on the sides, which include meat, fish, cheese, eggs, and a large number of vegetables to provide the body with amino acids, vitamins and trace elements.

Stuffed with eggplant

Ingredients for the food: 4 eggplant, rice (100 g), garlic (4 cloves), Bulgarian pepper (2 large), carrot, apple, spices (basil, coriander, ginger, cinnamon), olive oil.

Wash the aubergines and cut in half. Halves vegetable sprinkled oil and roast in pre-heated oven for 20 minutes. It is time to ground, the garlic, the bell pepper, the carrot and the apple, then fry for 5-7 minutes. Next in a frying pan add the washed rice, spices and accommodation complemented with water a little above the rice.

After eggplant present, vegetables cool and remove the pulp, and then is cut finely and mix with the prepared rice. Stuffing put in eggplant and baked in the oven for 15 minutes.

Roast chicken with cabbage

You will need to half of the cob cabbage, chicken breast, onion, carrot, 2 cloves of garlic.

Cabbage, chopped and blanch along with the grated carrot in boiling water with salt until soft. Then of vegetables, place in a sieve and leave to drain.

The chicken meat cut into pieces, salt, spices and garlic, lost under a press. In a baking dish first put the chicken, then the chopped onion and top the ball takes the cabbage with carrot. The dish is sprinkled with spices, served in foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes. You should then remove the foil and bake for 15 more minutes, so the cabbage has been burnt.

Mushrooms grilled

For the prescription charge half a pound of mushrooms, 100 ml of olive oil, a small head of garlic (5-6 cloves), the branch of the parsley, pepper, rosemary.

First prepare the marinade: you must finely chop the parsley, chop the garlic and mix with the butter, also add the salt and spices. The mixture is triturated in a blender until homogeneity.

Mushrooms washed and dried with paper towel (the large cut in halves), and then pour in the marinade and let the fermentation 1-1,5 hours. Most mushrooms are prepared on the grill for 10-15 minutes.

Fish paste

For PAPCsETA, the following products are used: 500 g fish, 50 g of cod liver, two eggs, the cream (1 tablespoon), olive oil and the vegetable oil.

A man a fish and separate the meat from the bones and then cut into small pieces for subsequent grinding in a blender. In a glass blender add 2 egg yolks, two tablespoons, a tablespoon of milk cream and pieces of fillet, as well as the salt and spices. After grinding, the mixture spread in the form and baked in the oven for 15 minutes.

How to speed up weight loss

menu for weight loss

Simultaneously with the slimming diet, you can use the procedures to reduce the belly and sides, which activate the metabolism of fats, promote the destruction of fat cells and improve the blood circulation in the waist area, and also lifting of the skin:

  • Massage. There are several forms of massage to reduce the volume on the sides and on the belly, but exactly suction cups of vacuum, bristle brush soft wooden and massages. Regular massages 10-15 minutes a day improves the blood circulation, causes the division of the fat and of beneficial effect to the skin.
  • Break of the belly and sides are made with the aid of special creams. Can also be used for the procedure of clay, the mustard, the honey and other exciting funds.
  • Showers – alternating hot and cold water for 5 minutes also improves circulation, skin tone and reduces the amount of problematic areas.
  • Bath for weight reduction derived from the toxins and excess water from the body, which allows you to get rid of 0.5 to 1 kg per session, and can be performed with sea salt, soda and essential oils.

In addition to diet and massage treatments are important to keep track of the correct posture, as well as a slouch and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to problems of blood circulation and the accumulation of fat.

Diet for weight loss belly and sides can be combined with the daily consumption of unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, which contribute to the reduction of fat deposits in the waist area (alpha-linoleic acid capture of fatty acids from the cells of the adipose tissue, oxidation, and activates the elimination of body fat).