Unique composition of bee products defines a set of useful qualities, working not only with the health and the beauty, but also in weight loss. Even the high-energy value and the presence of glucose with fructose did not interfere with bee nectar contribute to the reduction of body weight. A huge amount of vitamins and other nutrients trigger the metabolism and blood circulation, stimulate excretory systems and activate the burning of subcutaneous fat. That is, the question – honey weight loss experts say yes, and give some explanations:

- In the process of weight loss fat molecules in the body exposed to deterioration, resulting in free radicals, known negative about the body, are disjoint. Consumption of sweets begins the process of enrichment of the cells antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals. However, it is necessary to know which degree better. The doctors insist on varieties dark, as antioxidant more of them. The leader in the race for the usefulness of the buckwheat.
- Trying to lose weight, a person loses not only the woman, but and nutrients. The result of situations become such symptoms such as sluggishness, apathy, weakness, and dizziness. To avoid these problems, it is possible, every day, eat a little honey. Once again, the work of restoration of forces, it will be by means of a set of vitamins and minerals, and also through the contents of glucose, which is useful as a source of energy. The main thing – do not excessively coais a sweet treat, contrary to all the glucose goes to the replenishment of the stock of fat.
- Any product power has an impact on the level of sugar, which is your glycemic index. Foods with a high glycemic index increase the appetite and cause the deposition of hypodermic fat, low – applies to the contrary. The last refers to a nectar, KI, which is 50 to 70. It's no wonder that nutritionists recommend especially for your consumption, if you want to remove the creases in places disturbed.
Based on all the above, it becomes evident that the natural, sweet treat can and even need to eat when weight loss. People who try to dispute this fact in the reviews, surely simply wrong to use the sweetness.
In addition to reduce body weight using honey gives the consumer a bonus:
- the stimulation of immunity, which promises a active combat with the virus;
- the normalization of digestion and gain of excretion of waste products from the body;
- strengthening of the bones and the improvement of the conditions of the teeth.
When systematic natural use treat works similar to a mild laxative, thus, alert the accumulation in the body waste of the digestion.
It is important to know that, when the weight to lose the sweetness that you can eat even during the night. What gives? In the first place, the increase of perspiration, or the release of the body of excess fluid. In the second place, a healthy sleep and elimination of excess after you wake up in the morning.
Research has shown that those who lose weight with the help of the honey, have achieved better results than those who dismissed it entirely from the diet of sweets.
Despite all of the benefits of the use of "sticky" treats for health and weight loss, experts recommend caution. Honey – a serious allergen. It is the first reason why many people have him give up. It turns out that the reception of your food is a great skin rash, skin redness and watering of the eyes, and sometimes, even surpassing the allergic rhinitis, and other hazardous state. Are known cases in which even a small would recommend honey took the man to the bed room.
Another downside of the abuse of the natural product, especially in the large number of threat for tooth decay. To avoid the problem, should be the more rinsing the oral cavity.
Also do not need to delete the fact that not all the honey is helpful. Buy it, it is not tested in the field and giving preference to unscrupulous sellers, one can obtain a product of acceptable quality. The excessive malleability points to the pre-heat treatment, during which are formed on the links, and excess fluidity talks about the possible to dilute with water. Also in poor sweetness can be added to all types of flavor enhancers, and color, that reduce the benefits and increase the risk of developing allergies.
Important! Few people know, that the prolonged use of bee products can be the cause of the development of a withdrawal syndrome – the condition in which the body, used to the sweetness, need it on an ongoing basis. That is, it develops banal dependency, difficult to eradicate.
Honey can be used on practically any diet, because its presence on the menu – is a 100% guarantee of weight loss. The exception, the program for the diet Dukan and no carbs. Many times natural treat, which include limited feed as an alternative to sugar, however, there are special diets, in that it does not take the auxiliary and the main.
To the natural diet of sweetness had a good result, you need to know a number of important points and following:
- The product must be fresh, without dilutions and starch, therefore, a thief item is deleted in an unambiguous way.
- By day, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of drinking water without gas.
- The consumption of salt should be limited, the alcohol is eliminated.
- "Passive" style of life – is not the best choice. You should increase the physical activity.

Regardless of the chosen power supply system, every morning, you need to start with a glass of honey water. Cooking is easy: 10 ml treats diluted in a glass of clean water (preferably applying melted mineral still or defend within 12 hours) and drink up to 15 minutes before a meal. Under the beneficial influence of sweet structure of water is changed. According to the research, it becomes identical to that of the blood plasma, which is entrusted with the execution of vital functions. Thanks to receive the liquid are initiated the processes that are running to win slender figure:
- self-cleaning;
- the normalization of digestion;
- the activation of the metabolism;
- natural bowel movements;
- to improve the properties of blood;
- enrichment of oxygen of the cells;
- the increase of integrity;
- the nutrition of the tissues in vitamins and minerals.
Before you start any "sticky" diet should evaluate the pros and cons. The advantages of power systems to this plan include:
- the capacity of intake of sweets;
- strengthening the immune system;
- improvement of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- the prevention of various diseases;
- the lack of loss of strength and pain of the head;
- the health safety;
- the sense of evocation.
Disadvantages considered:
- it is not very active weight loss;
- a long list of against-indications.
If we consider that the advantages, sometimes more, it becomes clear – to appeal the "honey" diets for the correction of useful way. All the cell phones there are a number of options for diets based on goodies. Among the most popular and efficient are three:
Egg-honey (3 days)
Express-the 3 day diet helps to reset up to 2.5 kg., Thanks to a large amount of carbohydrates contained in honey, proteins and fats, which can be found in eggs, the program is easily tolerated and dispensation, without so much the sensation of hunger.
The main "dish" diet – egg-honey mixture (cocktail), made up of 2 egg yolks and 10 grams of candy. Of the rest, it is recommended that you follow the following menu:
Day 1
- Breakfast: cocktail party, green tea with lemon.
- Lunch: 100 g of cheese, coffee with the addition of a kind of sweetness.
- Dinner: 300 ml of chicken broth, toast, rye bread, orange.
On day 2 of
- Breakfast: cocktail party, green tea with lemon.
- Lunch: 100 g of cottage cheese, cocktail, green tea with lemon.
- Dinner: vegetable salad, 200 g chicken cooked.
The 3rd day
- Breakfast: cocktail party, apple, green tea with lemon.
- Lunch: 50 g of cheese, a slice of bread, a salad of vegetables.
- Dinner: ragu vegetable, cooked egg, infusion of rosehip with the addition of lemon.
Important! The use of lemon is optional. On the day need to eat, is not less than half of the franzindo the fetus.
Despite its efficiency, the diet can lead to the development of a severe allergy because the two main products are the allergens. Choosing a diet, you need to concentrate on your own well-being and observe the state of skin integument!
So as not to lose the result after the end of the diet, it's not worth immediately return a series of the menu. A few days should be without sweets and fat dishes, drink as much water and refrain from eating.
Soft (for 6 days)
This option is the use of candy for slimming is considered to be the most balanced and rich in terms of revenue in the body of vitamins and minerals. Some professionals tend to consider the six-day program is a medicinal, that is suitable even for people with stomach problems, and claim that in it, you can safely lose 5 to 8 kg.
The Menu builds as well (deviations are not valid!):
Day 1
- Breakfast: 200 ml slim milk and a few tablespoons of goodies.
- Lunch: 100 grams of cottage cheese skimmed milk and a teaspoon of honey.
- Dinner: a teaspoon of product in beekeeping and a couple of cooked carrots.
On day 2 of
- Breakfast: 3 large tablespoons of cream of 15% fat, a few teaspoons of candy.
- Lunch: 2 cups of milk, a teaspoon of sweetness.
- Dinner: three tablespoons of grated carrot, a teaspoon of sweets, a cup of yogurt.
The 3rd day
- Breakfast: half grated beet, fresh, a teaspoon of honey.
- Lunch: a glass of sour milk, a tablespoon of candy.
- Dinner: tomato salad with sauce of cream of milk and salt.
4-the day
- Breakfast: an apple, a teaspoon of sweets.
- Lunch: 150 grams of not very fat cottage cheese, a spoon of tea began nectar.
- Dinner: a couple of tablespoons of honey, 2 apples and a glass of milk.
5 th day
- Breakfast: a couple of small spoons of natural goodies, a cup of sour cream.
- Lunch: salad with Bulgarian pepper and herbs.
- Dinner: half a grated fresh beet.
Day 6
- Breakfast: cooked wheat, carrots, fresh tomato.
- Lunch: a cup of yogurt, a small handful of tablespoons of honey.
- Dinner: 400 ml of tomato or carrot juice.
It is important to know that throughout the period of the diet diet are completely excluded vegetables rich in starch and other products with a starch content. After the end of the six days of the program, it is advisable not to coais fatty foods, abstain from the consumption of salt, sugar and alcohol. Even better – arrange a fasting day on apples and water (if health permits). This will establish the result.
For the lazy (3-4 weeks)
The feeding program of the "lazy" is still known as the "diet-hibernation". Its developed by british scientists. If you believe opinions, every day, you can lose about 1 kg in weight, not leaning in the exercise. The minimum loss of less than 10 kg in 3 weeks. The efficiency of the programme is on the revitalization of the hormone, a facilitator for the burning of subcutaneous fat. As a consequence, to deal with the excess weight it is possible to even totally passive people.

The main rule of the diet – eat 1 teaspoon began nectar before each meal! Not less important, every day, before you sleep, drink the broth of chamomile with the addition of bee products and lemon. The menu it is possible to form, by selecting one of the options allowed the most acceptable and appropriate taste preferences.
- 200 g of the apple-orange juice from a mixture, a slice of whole wheat bread, 1 cooked egg.
- 200 ml of apple juice, 120 g of granola with milk.
- 200 g of oatmeal, a glass of tomato juice.
- 150 g of cottage cheese skimmed-milk, honey, and drink (St. l. 200 ml).
- 2 cooked carrots, medium size, 1 tangerine.
- 200 g of salad of peppers, cabbage and cucumber, 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 200 ml of tomato juice, 1 apple.
- 150 g boiled fillet of peru, 150 g of a mixture of salad leaves, tomato, cucumber and spinach, 1 slice of rye bread, a glass of grapefruit juice.
- 200 g of lettuce from the stews of cucumber, zucchini, peppers and mushrooms, 200 ml of orange juice 100 g of tuna, 1 pear.
- 100 g of 9% of cheese, 200 ml of the friendship of the soup of mashed potatoes, 1 grapefruit, fish cutlet steam.
Afternoon snack
- Baked apple with honey.
- 100 g of dried fruits.
- A glass of low-fat yogurt.
- A glass of thin milk.
- 60 g of walnuts.
- 300 g of watermelon.
- 1 orange, apple or grape.
- 150 g of salad of peppers, celery and cucumber, 40 g green olives, 150 g of baked or grilled salmon 200 ml pineapple juice.
- 100 g salad of radish, carrot and tomato, 1 baked potato with mushrooms, 3 apricot, 200 ml of juice and vegetable juice.
- 150 g salad with apple and beets, 200 ml of tomato juice, 2 slices of rye bread, a cup of green tea.
- 150 g macaroni, 70 g of a 9% cheese, 100 g of the mixture from the stews of eggplant, tomato and zucchini, 200 ml of orange juice.
A output to this diet should not be strict, however, it is not advisable that coais fatty foods, fast food and sugary sodas. Day 3-4 it is worth to continue to eat more vegetables, boiled meat and milk production.
To keep acquired in the process, any "sticky" diet the result, in the future, can give discharge days in honey and limon. The essence of such days is that when used exclusively specially prepared drink, the person does not feel the loss of strength and melancholy.
The drink is prepared from:
- 8 lemons;
- 20 ml natural goodies;
- 2 teaspoons of red pepper;
- 1.5 liters of mineral water, not carbonated water.
Of the lemons squeeze the juice, after which mix with all the components. Cocktail drink during the day. In addition, it is allowed to consume green tea without sugar and mineral water.