How to lose weight in your face?

The majority are looking for the answer to the question: "how in losing weight in the face of the youth, with the fat of the cheeks, and the rounded shape of the person. And, at the same times, and in each case in excess of immediately going to the area of the chin and the cheeks. What do you do, how do you get a person to lose weight quickly and effectively?

Tips for nutrition professionals on the subject of what to do to lose weight in your face?

how to lose weight in the face of the
  1. To avoid swelling of the face, and, therefore, is to drink at least two litres of water, so that the body does not save it in the middle. Avoid fizzy drinks of choice, drinking green tea, or herbal infusions.
  2. It is prohibited to consume alcoholic beverages, no matter how weak they were. This improvement is the dehydration of your body, it turns to a puffy face.
  3. Over eating vegetables and fruits, dietary fiber is crucial for maintaining the balance of water.
  4. You need to reduce your salt intake, they don't give the liquid out of the body.
  5. It is also useful to have a rest, sleep at least 8 hours of riding in the open air, do light exercises, exercise for the whole body.

What can you do to lose weight in your face for a few days.

A simple massage to a pat on the chin and cheeks, it helps to improve blood circulation and relieve fatigue. To do the procedure several times a day, so You have to be totally relaxed and focused on the massage.

Also, as you lose the weight quickly, too. There is a mask that is highly effective for the face. For your kitchen, you need the juice of a lemon, and the yeast, the egg white (for oily skin). For normal or combination – oats, baking powder, and vitamin E supplement in capsule form. It is applied to a composition, in plenty, on the face, neck, and chest, and rinse with warm water for about 20 minutes.

Aestheticians use a special facility that will give you a positive result, so the face-losing weight, increasing muscle tone in the face and help to prevent facial wrinkles.

This is a very how to lose weight on your face!

What can you do to lose weight on face:

  • we took it in the teeth and a pencil trying to write on the air in any way, they are considered to be useful for the letter M, and L, are available;
  • cross your hands and start to work the shoulders, rhythmically pulling on your neck, and hold the position for a few seconds, and then return to the starting position;
  • the pull of the lips, other and clearly pronounce the vowels, the letters.

At home, these procedures are really powerful, and after a few days it will be the first in the results.

How to lose weight in the face quickly without any hard workout?

The need to abandon the habit before going to sleep, drink a cup of tea or water, it is necessary to do it during the day. In order to nurture our bodies as a useful source of vitamins and minerals, the herbal decoction.

You can brew the tea, and a cleaning cloth to clean your face, instead of the policy of washing one's face.

How to diet to lose weight on your face, you should minimize the consumption of the food is smoked, salted, sour, sharp, flour, and bakery products. To effectively do this, the download days, buckwheat, watermelon, apples, cucumbers, fish in preference to season it with the juice of a lemon instead of the salt and the spices.

Go and have hours of 10 o'clock in the evening, and wake up at 7, then a long, long sleep has also been negatively impacted by the face of it, it appears to the swelling and inflammation.

The modeling of the visual

How to lose weight on your face with the help of the modeling of the demo? For this reason, you should take a hair cut in the correct manner to learn how to apply make-up to thin the face and give it a face.

The effect of the full cheeks to create a high hair, framed by locks of hair on either side of you. And it's also bulky, at the top of the head of hair and tight-fitting to the face arms. As for the cosmetics, in this case, the important thing is to make sure. In addition to the classic powder in the shade you just need to buy another one in a darker shade, it should be done in the course of the jaw, and the cheek, and the blush directly under the apples of your cheeks. Such intelligent ways that you can get a well-organized and attractive, but in a familiar, secure and simple!

What do you need in order to lose weight in the face of a man?

weight loss, in the face of the

For the correction of the contour of the face, and you can do the massage in order to strengthen muscles. To do this:

  • to prepare herbal infusion, it is taken out of the soup of herbs (chamomile, sage, lipa), filled with 1.5 cups of hot water and infused for 20 minutes.
  • dropped the towel in a herbal infusion;
  • then, take it by the ends in both hands, and put it in a different direction, in order for him to whisk her chin.

Even the most effective.

  • I can not head to your left shoulder and your left hand a resting on the left temple. Now, you just need your head to touch your shoulder, and your hand in order to prevent this from happening. Exactly what do we do with the right-hand side.
  • You put your elbow on the table, and the fist place it under your chin and try to drop the face down, intruding on his hand.
  • We adhere to the teeth, and we're going to try to pull down on his lower lip.

Even for people with fat cheeks, these procedures are efficient and helpful, with regular exercise, a person will not only be slimmer, but you will also enhance your vitality, increase your muscles of the cheeks and chin.

Replying to a question, you can lose weight, a person can be so mean, "Yes", what is important is a little bit of patience and force of will, and the result is not going to make You wait for a while!